Saturday, August 15, 2020

Making Sweet Potato Gnocchi Video

6 small to medium sweet potatoes
3 1/2 to 4 cups all purpose flour
2 eggs
Pinch salt
Pinch nutmeg(optional)

I’m a large pot place potatoes making sure to completely cover with water.

Bring to a boil and continue boiling until potatoes are fork tender.

Remove and drain potatoes.  Allow to cool completely.

Once cooled skin should remove e easily,

Cut potatoes in half and put potatoes through potato ricer.

Once riced add pinch or two of salt and optional nutmeg.  If you like nutmeg it does add nice flavor but be careful of amount.  It can overpower your taste of potato.

Video will show the steps.  

Freeze Gnocchi on floured cookie sheets.  Once frozen bag in freezer bags until ready to use.

When ready to use in a large pot place water, add some salt.  When water reaches a full boil add gnocchi slowly stirring so as to not stick.  Allow gnocchi to rise to top on a slow boil.  Cook several minutes (5 to 10). Drain and serve with sauce if choice.

I use a brown butter sauce or even a sage butter sauce.

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