Friday, January 4, 2019

Getting ready for the New Year! Some positive thoughts and a recipe too!!

2018 is quickly approaching and although I am still in the holiday cooking mode I wanted to share some positive thoughts and a few helpful hints to help you in your the new year.

First being a great recipe for healthy vegetable soup. Check out the highlighted area below for the link to the recipe.

Vegetable Soup


Next if you decide you would like a sandwich or salad for lunch watch the amount of dressing or condiment.

 A nice light lunch sandwich is one that you would use:

2 slices of reduced calorie bread or even a pita pocket would do
3 oz. of light tuna (packed in water for sure and drained)
2 tablespoons light mayo or miracle whip which I like
1 tsp. pickle relish(optional)
lettuce and tomato
1 small banana or apple

In order to plan a healthy menu you must start off in the right direction and I believe getting your kitchen organized should be the first thing you do. Clear your counter and make sure to leave yourself some easy accessible space to prep your veggies, meats and poultry.  Even if you have limited counter space allow yourself some workable space with a nice cutting/ chopping board.  Preparing food will be much easier if you leave that space open.

Try to buy farm fresh vegetables when you can do so.  An Option is frozen which I use quite a bit in the winter.

Go through your cabinets and make sure you have quick access to spices.  Items you use frequently place close to the end of your shelf.. I find a nice 3 layer shelf works well in my cabinet and I can keep plenty of spices on it.

Get rid of those spices you never use or are outdated..Fresh is best..You need not replenish all at once..Spices are expensive, so use caution..

Organize your cabinet drawers and get rid of those items you don't use and use utensil trays to organize everything.

Place spatulas, tongs, slotted spoons and stirring spoons in a pretty crock on your counter to easy access and make sure to keep measuring cups and spoons close to the area you are working, preferably in a cabinet drawer.

Try not to store cookbooks on the counter..They take way too much room and allow for clutter..Find a pretty basket or bookshelf to keep them handy. 

 I make photo copies of my favorite recipes and keep them in a binder for easy access.  I buy plastic binder sheets to keep them free from food spills. I work directly from my binder and find it is the best way to follow a specific recipe and not have to work with paper that easily gets food splashed on it or ripped.

Hopefully I will inspire, motivate and help you organize your kitchen to make baking and cooking easier.

Happy New Year from my kitchen to yours!! 



mjskit said...

OMG M.J.! Are you telling me I need to get organized? :) How did you know?!?!?! I should definitely take your advice on ALL of these suggestions! My kitchen is a mess but I know where everything is; unfortunately, no one else can find a thing! :) Happy New Year!

M. J. Vitelli said...

thanks for commenting! Happy New Year too! Be Safe :)