Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thankful and greatful!

Good Day!
Happy and Blessed Sunday to everyone.

I’ve been busy decorating a little inside my home and outside too. Not a whole lot but enough to cheer me and my lovely family and friends.

My mom,dad, brother and grandparents have passed and I am missing them and thinking of them more than ever.

Someone said to me recently that I was now an orphan.  It never hit me until that moment and it made me think of all those orphans who must hurt so much inside.

For many years at Christmas my hubby and I buy a gift for a special child in an orphanage.

It started when the company he worked for encouraged their employees to randomly choose an orphan from a local agency and buy a gift.  We actually met the child(children)after they received their gift. It was a beautiful humbling experience.

We will do it again this year as in years before but this year my heart truly feels more than ever how important it is to try in any little way to spread the love I received to those who yearn for  and need a gesture of love.

It’s a feel good feeling.❤️

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