Sunday, May 3, 2020

BBQ Country Style Spare Ribs (Crockpot easy)

All you need is a crockpot and BBQ sauce
 Didn't have a clue what to make so out comes my crockpot and this was super easy and I didn't have to stand over it and wait until it was done.  Basically the most effort was boiling the ribs but that only took 15 minutes so as soon as I placed all in my crockpot off I went to look for flowers.  A good day!   Serve with a side of cole slaw and it's a meal in our house. Enjoy!

Cover ribs with water and Boil for 15 minutes. Drain.  
Place the drained ribs in your crockpot add Barbeque sauce and cook on LOW 6 to 8 hours.

Cover and cook on low 6 to 8 hours or until tender.  Falls apart

2 lb. country style spare ribs
1 large bottle BBQ sauce
1/4 cup or less water(enough to clean out all the good stuff in the jar)
red pepper (optional)

In a large pot place spare ribs and cover with water.  Boil for approx. 15 minutes.  Drain

Place spare ribs in Crockpot and cover with BBQ sauce. Add enough water to swish around bottle and add it too. (Approximately 1/4 cup or less) Cover and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.  Enjoy!


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