Thursday, April 18, 2019

Gnocchi: Ricotta ones!!

I was pleasantly surprised when my brother in law(who saw that I was a blogger)told me that his cousin(also my husband's cousin) had made Ricotta gnocchi's and that he was making them that weekend and he would tell me how they turned out.  To coin his phrase...Dellish!!!!

I have made Potato gnocchi but was eager to try something that might be somewhat easier and was it....:
Here is the Recipe:

1 -15oz. whole milk ricotta
Equal amount flour
1 egg slightly beaten


In a large bowl, put ricotta,(make a well in center) beaten egg and flour..Knead until it is worked into a ball..If dough is sticky add more flour..I added about 1/2 cup extra flour to mine ..I cut mine a little too large so next time I'll make them smaller but I wanted to score them(picture with fork)( I enlarged picture to show scoring) so I gave myself some room to try this new way to make them so the sauce seeps in the center of  the gnocchi.

 In a large pot bring lightly salted water to a boil..add gnocchi and cook until gnocchi come to top...Boil about 10 minutes and drain.. I used a meat sauce to top them and some Pecorino Romano cheese... Delicioso Pasta!!!!!



Unknown said...

Thank you for your message!
Finally you have done them with ricotta cheese!
I have tried once, but I have to say I prefer the other one :)
But at the end of the day it is a delziioso pasto:)

M. J. Vitelli said...

Yes Barbara I made them and they sure were easy..I agree though potato gnocchi are the best but for quick meal I'd do these again..Thanks for commenting..I love replies..!!!!Grazie,Grazie,Grazie!!!!