Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Creamy cream of tomato soup!

It's very cold here in Pa and we've been spoiled with a warm and beautiful fall but it was bound to happen.  Yes windy cold weather is here and I'm not too happy about it.  I actually don't mind the cold air it's that darn wind that goes right through you that I do not like and either does my hubby.

Hubby has been asking me for some tomato soup and although I know Campbell's makes one I happen to be one who really doesn't like canned soup.  Wait I must clear up that one.  I do use and like broth or stock as in chicken, beef or vegetarian but all those others just don't appeal to me so I found this recipe that I thought would be easy to make and honest to goodness it was ready in less than one hour.  The result:  AWESOME. A few additions as I adapted it to my liking...

My recipe made enough for 4 servings.  You can double it if you like.

1 -28 oz. can diced tomatoes (I processed them on grind) Left them a little chunky.
1- 32 oz. carton chicken soup
1/2 cup heavy cream
parsley or basil to garnish
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup cooked small shells or acne de pepe
shredded mozzarella cheese(optional)

Place pureed or crushed tomatoes in a dutch oven on medium heat.  Add chicken broth, pinch of salt and a dash or two of pepper.  Cook on medium heat until it comes to a slow boil.  Add heavy cream and cook on low for about 15 minutes. Place pasta in bowls, add soup and garnish with cheese and parsley or basil.  If you have fresh basil chop a few leaves and top your soup with them.

Note:  Hubby loved adding the shredded mozzarella. He said it really added to the soup.  

original Rachael Ray

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