Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Getting organized: My Recipes

How do you keep track of your recipes?  I would keep them in a recipe box but it became so unorganized and tough to find what I would be looking for that I decided a binder would be my gift to me and I'm making another for my best friend (my daughter).  You may want to do one for someone too!

Files on your computer are a good way to start.  I have store and go backup but why not print some and add a few handwritten ones to add a special touch to it.  That is what I'm doing!

I'm  putting together one and I'll post some pictures of it when it is complete. You can buy laminated sheets to protect the printed copies when you purchase the binder.  Binders come in all sizes and shapes and most are not very expensive.  I think my total cost was around $10.00 to $12.00 depending on what type(style binder) you want to buy.. 

I know this is a little early but wouldn't it be nice to give a friend or family member your favorite recipes all packed in a special binder.  Share your recipes with those who would appreciate it.

 Happy Baking and Cooking!




Anonymous said...

I really cook a lot of things from memory.But of course as all foodies I have 'thousands' of cookbooks(most got as a present or scooped in second hand shops).And the others I keep on file on the computer as you mentioned with backup;)Curious to see your end result;)

mjskit said...

I've got recipes all of the place. I have handwritten ones, printed one in plastic binders, index cards, and hundreds stored on the computer, but the problem is that they are stored in too many different websites. My SIL has a lot of my really old recipes which is cool. Just can't throw anything away.

Anonymous said...

I am doing one for my future daughter in law for a wedding gift and also did one for Shannon. I wrote all mine by hand, Like you said "nice touch"

M. J. Vitelli said...

I think putting them in a binder is a good idea or even laminate is...anything to preserve them..Winter may be the time to just start a project..Take your time..I have given myself some time to do it..It is one of my goals..Thanks for posting! Enjoy the weekend..

M. J. Vitelli said...

You go Dee Dee! Great idea..Pass it on..
M. J.