Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Over 400 posts and still going strong!

I am happy to say I have  over 400 blog posts..  Time sure does fly by!  I started my food blog in May of 2011 and it has been a wonderful time in my life.. I had never imagined how sharing some recipes and stories would bring so many wonderful people into my world. Thank you!!

 Opening up my kitchen to you as well as sharing recipes and some fun times spent on visits to different restaurants and areas of the world has been very fulfilling to me...I hope you have enjoyed my mini stories and my culinary creations.  I am not a skilled writer or a chef.  I am a woman who is doing what she loves to do  bake and cook.  Hopefully I am spreading the word that you too can accomplish anything you put your heart and soul into with passion.

  Hopefully you are able to connect with me through my words, pictures and step by step explanations.  I use as many basic words in giving you  how to's as I would like someone to explain to me.. Sometimes going over the top with wordy words can get very confusing and I hope to eliminate any of that.

Keep Baking and Cooking and I'll be right by your side to offer any help that I can!

As always,

M. J.


1 comment:

Crunchy Creamy Sweet said...

Congratulations on your success! Have a great week!