Sunday, December 16, 2018

My favorite things.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It's a little more than a week before Christmas so I'm excited to be sharing one of our holiday traditions.  

I’m hoping that a few of these may inspire you to give some thoughtful and meaningful gifts while having some fun.

From my home to yours, M.j.

When Christmas approaches I always have trouble with gifts for our family.  I know money$$ always works but it still seems a little cold to just hand out a card and call it quits.

Remembering those who are less fortunate always comes to mind especially this time of the year.  Every year I make a donation to St. Jude and also make several gifts to the needy through our church.  It is a good feeling helping those unfortunate.

This year In addition to the above I am making a basket for our family with a few of my favorite things. If Oprah can do it I can too...Well in a much smaller scale that is.  I make it generic so both families can enjoy it.  

First We play a game where my hubby gives hints on the gifts.  ( they are items useful for any family member).  Usually three hints  for each item and each family (they talk about their choice between themselves) on a piece of paper writes what they think it is.  The family who guesses it gets the gift.  It's a lot of fun and everyone looks forward to this game.  I want to NOTE that the previous years hubby and I would buy one gift in the price range of $50 to $75 which has been always fun but this year I wanted to do something different.  I like to keep it fun and interesting!

Two good reasons this fun interaction is good for all is that it gets the kids away from their phones and we get to interact in a positive way.  

Here are a few suggestions I'll throw your way for the game below.

Small Kitchen items as hot pads, towels or your favorite small kitchen gadgets.

Gloves....everyone needs gloves at this time of the year.  This year I picked a woman's glove.  Men's work out too!

My favorite sweet treat...nuts too! 

An apron...generic type

A car deodorizer  ..

A bottle of Acetaminophen  (handy to have just in case)

Clorox wipes or hand sanitizer


Dental floss

Lint remover rolls


Gift card

We play the Saran Wrap ball game too!  It’s so much fun.

These are just a few I'm suggesting.  Do some thinking about your favorite things and maybe you'd like to do something like this too! It's a fun game.

Hope you enjoy the holidays and Blessings and love to all.  

Love, Peace and Health,

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