Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Hearty Lentil Soup!

Hi everyone:

I wanted to show you how adding some small pasta to your lentil Spaetzles soup can really make it all the more satisfying. Add some easy homemade spaetzles or a small amount of tiny pasta. Yummy times 2...

Link to spaetzle recipe:  Spaetzles

Note: the above soup was made with organic green lentils. I try to buy organic whenever it's available at a reasonable price.
I chose to make this soup meatless but if you so desire; add some diced or chopped ham or chicken to it.

Did you know that Lentils are some of the most nutritious, and at the same time economical, foods in the world? and among the winter growing legumes, lentils have the highest concentration of antioxidants.

We are told to keep our cholesterol under control and  lentils are low in fat and high in fiber, they can help get rid of cholesterol and reduce blood cholesterol levels as I have been reading in various health articles. I haven't a clue at how much you must eat to do this but a bowl now and again might be a nice healthy choice.

My hubby, a recent heart surgery patient, is trying really hard to eat more heart healthy foods and that brings me to the lentil soup recipe.

He has agreed to try everything I make regardless of whether he had chose to not indulge before.  I am happy to report he ate a huge bowl and said he enjoyed it!!!

1/2  lb. dry lentils(rinsed thoroughly and remove any lentils or particles that rise to top)
Note:  I rinsed the lentils at least five times
2 T. Olive oil
1/4 cup diced ham or chicken (optional)
1 small onion chopped
1 or 2 stalks celery chopped
1 clove garlic minced(optional)
1 carrot sliced or diced thin
salt and pepper to taste
1 -32 oz. Low sodium chicken or veggie broth
1 cup water

In a large pot, heat oil. Stir in onion, celery,garlic and carrots.  Cook slowly until onion is translucent.  Add lentils and remainder of ingredients.  Reduce heat, cover and simmer until lentils are tender and soup gets thick.  Add a bit more water or broth if necessary. Delicious

From my kitchen to yours,



Amanda said...

Hi I'm stopping by from I couldn't resist coming by and looking at your lentil soup recipe. My family loves lentil soup and it's one of the only meals I can get by without having meat in it, Otherwise they complain. I can't wait to make this soon (It's STILL hot in Arizona!)

M. J. Vitelli said...

Enjoy! Hope the weather cools a bit for you.👍😃