Monday, October 13, 2014

Italy Day #2

My hubby's grandfather's brother's, daughter, Claudia (Hope I got that right)
My photos and captions will be spread out since I have deleted some so if I won't be able to tell you the exact location I will note it somewhere on the blog at times to keep you informed.

Home made ravioli with speck, regional dried porchetta type meat with ricotta in an asparagus sauce.  Roberta made the meal with assistance of Sabrina and Fabio

My hubby's family (Lorena, first on left helped translate) A real doll she is Roberto and Roberta's daughter)
One of he meals from Roberta

In the kitchen with L to R Sabrina, Roberta and Fabio

She's 81 and it took 3 women 3 liters of flour and 35 eggs to make pasta for 45 on our tour.

Hubby's family

 View from his families farm

Experiencing the walk to my great grandmother and grandfather's home, sigh............<3

Notification Baby Boy Born in Frontone (my great grandmother and grandfather's region Frontone)

Notification Baby Girl Born Frontone

The castle Frontone(a short distance from my grandparents home.  Breathtaking!
Me knocking on the door seeing who might be home!  Emotions running wild!

Sharing this experience with my hubby <3

Our trip included stops in Lecco, Venice, Verona, Bologna, Lake Como, Siene,  Isle of Capri, Florence, Sorrento and Rome.  I may have missed a few in between but will give you more information as it comes back into my head.  It was a very long and very informative tour so there is lots stored in my mind but it's right at the moment most thoughts are scattered. Every single stop brings back such wonderful memories. 

FYI:  Don't forget to take photos!!!! They will bring you back to great times and great memories forever.

Feel free to show my photos but please note they are my photos and not to be duplicated.  Thank you.

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