Thursday, October 15, 2020

Fresh Roma tomato sauce

I had fresh Roma tomatoes so I decided to try my hand at a small amount of fresh sauce for pasta fagioli.

8 to 10 Roma Tomatoes washed
Boiling water
Place tomatoes in boiling water.  Allow to remain in water until you see skin start to peel.  

Remove tomato skins snd core .  Place olive oil in a deep pot.  Allow olive oil to start to sizzle, add two cloves of minced garlic and simmer slowly making sure not let garlic burn.

Crush tomatoes with your hands and place in garlic oil.  Add some salt, a fresh basil leaf or two and Simmer on low for about an hour.  Remove tomatoes and put through a sifter or foley mill to strain any remaining seeds.

I added 2 tablespoons of tomato paste to help thicken the sauce.


It's a pasta fagioli kind of day.

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