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Monday, April 25, 2016

Stir fry beef in red sauce

It's what was for dinner tonight at our house.

We are a family of two and I do all the when I see a sale that there is a  5 for $19.99 deal on meats or poultry I grab 5 different choice meats and that sometimes saves me a whole 5 days of not concerning myself on what to make for dinner.

I am creative and I know it so it really comes naturally to me to create meals but you can too.  The below meal was thought and created in less than 5 minutes.  Once you get the hang of it it comes naturally.  

A few helpful suggestions.  Look for something that is on sale and if your favorite grocery store has specials for that week consider buying a few.

It's pretty easy for me because there are only two of us but if I think ahead while I'm at the grocery store and I'm having a few more for dinner I'd just buy several of the same items and double up on the ingredients.

Always buy extra quick rice, pasta, canned sauce and broth.

They are handy as onions, celery, carrots and quick frozen vegetables.

  Stir fry meat is what I used in this meal so think stir fry meals.  The meat was super trimmed and cut so small it cooked in no time. Chicken also comes in stir fry pieces or you can cut up a chicken breast or two and make your own.  Plain and Simple meals go a long way to make a healthy and quick meal.  Enjoy!

3/4 lb stir fry beef  or chicken
2T olive oil
1 medium sweet onion diced
1 and 1/2 cup water
1- 15 oz. can organic tomato sauce
2 medium carrots cubed or chopped 

Fry beef in oil with salt, pepper, onion and carrots until meat is browned.  Add water and bring to a boil. Cover slightly and simmer approximately 1/2 hour.

Remove cover and allow sauce to thicken. Approximately another 1/2 to 3/4 hour.

Serve over mashed potatoes or with fresh bread.

NOTE:  add red pepper if you like spicy and peppers too if you like them.  Any cooked vegetables can be added to make it heartier.

Happy Baking and Cooking
 from my kitchen to yours,

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