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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Cherry Pie:

I was planning on making a cherry pie with Rainier cherries but someone got to my cherries, hummmm.

 I didn't have enough cherries to make a whole pie so I added a can of Country Cherry Pie filling to the already pitted cherries I had left, added 1/2 cup sugar* optional and filled the  Pillsbury Pie Crust, dabbed 5 tsp. butter, added a lattice top, baked at 400 degrees for 40 minutes or until crust is golden brown....


Easy Pie to make with refrigerated pie crust.  Happy Baking!


Add some butter to cherries before adding lattice.

Slice in strips

Place strips across leaving space between

Add caption

Ready to bake!

From my kitchen to yours,



  1. My Partner is crazy about cherries.I have obligation to show him any blogs that post chery in them.So yours is approved!:)


Comments always appreciated.