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Monday, January 27, 2014

Some stay slim suggestions

Hello everyone!

Spring is on it's way!   I am sure it is!!!! 

Although it is hard to imagine that it is only a few months away with all the cold, wind and snow that has been plaguing the states.

I want to be ready for spring and summer so I have complied a few suggestions to help with the everyday temptations that we are dealt with all the time. 

I'm a stress eater.  Need I say more.  Those few minutes I eat something satisfying all my stress is gone!  but the feeling I get after is worse.  So let's try to do something  for us!!! and give our self a gift.  A feel good feeling that will last more than 15 minutes and we will be healthier too!

I need motivation and if you do too here are a few tips that I have found to be helpful.

Print out the below list and place it on your refrigerator as a reminder. Give yourself a weight loss goal.  Also we want to be healthy for sure and being overweight has many downfalls regarding our health.

 Start small,  maybe 5 or 10 pounds and then when you hit that goal go for several more.  I have found it frustrating to set my goal too high and so far I have been loosing about 1 pound a week.

Have a planned treat, like a cookie or a few animal crackers or pretzels. Look on the bag or box and check the calories in regard to amount.   I like crunchy treats.  Also I get very tired of water so  I mix cranberry/grape or raspberry juice with club soda.  It is refreshing and really tasty. Sometimes regardless of the weather I have an ice pop or frozen yogurt..  Remember it's MODERATION NOT DEPRIVATION!!

When you have a planned treat it is easier to skip high calorie foods during the day.

Try smelling fresh fruit like orange before you dive into chocolate.  Woman's day magazine says the 60% of dieters ate less chocolate when doing so.

Spreading a small amount of peanut butter on a banana or slice of bread will satisfy and make you fuller.

 Sometimes I have been known  to stop a craving with a tsp. of peanut butter.

Instead of bottled salad dressing mix orange juice with olive oil.

When making tuna salad eliminate the mayo and toss with red wine vinegar and olive oil. Add diced red and green peppers, onions and any other raw veggie to the tuna to make a great salad.  

Have a cup of hot lemon water in the morning!  It helps flush out the toxins in your body.

Try to cut back on carbs...Make sure they are small portions when you do.   Example:  half of a baked potato!!

In your coffee or tea use use a 1/2 tsp. of coffee creamer.  Instead of just pouring measure and then you'll know the amount.  Sometimes just a little gives you enough to give some color and sweet to your cup.

Know your limits.  I've been known to  mix diet soda with regular if I need a carbonated beverage.  I do not like artificial sweeteners but if water with lemon isn't want you are craving an occasional diet beverage or mix just may satisfy that craving.

I rely on gum a lot.  When I think I'm going to grab something that will add calories I chew gum..Of course I like gum and always have so I keep gum in my purse and in my car to keep me focused.

The above are just a few of the things I am doing to help with weight loss. 

Also walk the mall or do some at home exercise.  Just keep moving!

Keep yourself motivated.  Close your eyes and picture yourself the way you want to look and feel.   A healthier you!

We'll do this together...Step by step inch by inch!  I know we can!!!


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