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Monday, November 21, 2011

Mom's strained cranberry sauce recipe

Mom loved cranberry sauce and never thought for a moment to buy her cranberry sauce..She would say time and time again.."Why buy it a can when it is so easy to make"?  She would bring out a large container and put some of that wonderful sauce in the prettiest dish serving it with turkey or chicken so there was never any waste..We would eat it until it was gone!  It really stores well in the refrigerator. Here is her recipe: Hope you enjoy it!

1 pkg. fresh cranberries( wash well)
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water

Put 1/2  cup water in a pan and bring to a boil; add fresh cranberries, cover, and cook until all cranberries have pop open. 
Remove from stove and put into Foley Mill and strain berries if desired
Return to stove, adding sugar and cook for 10 minutes..
Put the mixture in a 8 x 8 pan..

Cut when completely cooled and  set..  Yield 2 cups Refrigerate.


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